Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fashion School

Using the shapes that I used for the other logo, I started to do a fashion school one. It's not as abstract as the other one, but not sure how much you can peel back an F. One of the rules I set, no overlapping of semi circles is broken in the latter two.

Window painting

View from outside, can't really see it in this picture but it is quite clear from the outside.
The paint is quite easily seen and my letters look pretty poorly painted. But this is only a test. Painted various different colours before this to test what they looked like came out pretty strong also the type size. These are about 18-20cm and show up really well.
The printed letter (top row) look best from the outside. The paint looks murky and like a light brown in comparison. The stencils aren't very clear. The sheet of paper with the B/W print outs hardly can be seen. logo at that size is too small to be made out clearly.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Posted this up around the D Block building hoping for feedback. Earl thought it was a nice idea, other than the colours (death and blood, he said. Doesn't like people defaulting to black). Rob also liked the idea. Martin from the design centre is looking at getting this done into a set for the ignition brand.

hopefully it can be animated to morph into different areas. Logo development 1 2.

Thinking about putting logo up to identify. Painting it on the windows is a good option. Good placement, Good size, easy to put up take down, highly visible. Infact why don't we paint the windows as a regular feature for advertising...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Disregard everything in August

I have chosen to do two things so far. Design sports style logos for 5 teams competing for classroom domination. The Mice, Flies, Bumblebees, Sparrows and Rats. This will feature logos for each 'team', a logo for the competition, a season preview/guide and various other signage.

The other thing is a project for CPIT SoAaD (Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology School of Art and Design), shortening down to just School of Art and Design. I think that it is in desperate need for a logo and a re-branding.

Logo design development stuff has already been posted on this blog. Which is my digital blog, so stuff is there.